World Rivers Day 2013 for the Rio San Rodrigo, Coahuila, Mexico
World Rivers Day 2013 for the Rio San Rodrigo, Coahuila, Mexico
Since coming together in May 2009 to create the Amigos del Río San Rodrigo NGO, we have made it our mission to inform environmental authorities, corporate leaders and society in general about the destruction wrecked on their ecosystem on account of an untenable use of its natural resources. We also demand that Mexican environmental authorities enforce compliance with existing environmental legislation, in order to preserve our natural resources and to ensure that those responsible for the damage assume the responsibility of its restoration.
24 de agosto, día del nogal en Coahuila ¿… y qué futuro le espera al nogal silvestre?
El pasado 24 de agosto el Gobernador del estado de Coahuila, Rubén Moreira Valdez, firmó el decreto por el que declara este día como el día del nogal y a este árbol como el árbol representativo de Coahuila.